Monday, November 18, 2019

Sam 342 unit 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sam 342 unit 6 - Essay Example job where I would have autonomy over my decisions and actions; I would engage in personal business otherwise known as a sole proprietorship (Pitts, & Stotlar, 295). Personal business is a job where the owner has absolute powers over day – day operations of the business. I choose personal business due to the following reasons: Sole proprietorship offers the opportunity for being own boss, where I will not receive orders from any person or quarter. Being my own boss, I would issue orders to my staff on matters relating to the operation of the business. However, I would not have been in such position in case I was employed. In this position, I would work at my pace and convenience without the stress of working under someone who may in some instances be manipulative and mistreating (Pitts, & Stotlar, 298). Being the owner and manager of the business, I would have the chance to implement various business ideas that I feel are suitable for the success of the business. Moreover, I would be in a position to implement the innovations and plans of actions without the need to consult anybody since I am my own boss (Pitts, & Stotlar, 302). Moreover, I would not experience any resistance when implementing the ideas, as I am the sole decision maker. Since I am the owner and sole decision maker of the business, I would be in a position to make quick, appropriate, and effective decisions whenever possible and at a convenient time without the need to consult (Pitts, & Stotlar, 304). This will ensure that I make appropriate decisions that may lead to prosperity in the business as well as prevent the risk of it failing. Moreover, wrangles, which characterize business or organizations, will not feature in the business and thus provide an opportunity to concentrate on making it

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