Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nazi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nazi - Essay Example Part of the music composed and played by the youth was to make sure that the Germans recognized Jewish resistance in the Holocaust, and make sure that they knew that it was a widely spread affair, and took various forms. The youth organized themselves into the ghettos and concentration camps in form of orchestras, choirs, and other musical groups so as to give clandestine performances for their fellow residents. The Terezin ghetto, having been used by the Nazi for promoting propaganda was also referred to as a â€Å"model ghetto† and was home for most of the Jewish musicians and composers from all over Europe. Camps such as Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, and Buchenwald planned and organized prisoner orchestras and used to give performances for officers of SS and all the visiting dignitaries in order to guarantee themselves survival (Hirsch 102). 2. There is a lot of comparison drawn to two music composers during the Nazi regime, Bruckner and Wagner, with their comparison being made on the type of their music, their meaning and the themes that guided in their compositions. Differences can be drawn on the meaning of their music. While Bruckner’s music lay in the symphonic form of music based on the instrumentals, Wagner’s’ music was a form of narrative, such as operas, and used symbols and myths. Symbolism in Bruckner’s music such as the 7th adagio reveals the theme of the sacredness in his compositions and religious beliefs. Contrary to Bruckner’s music, Wegner’s symbolism in his music was characterized by themes of love, hate, death, and sacrifice as well as sacred process to salvation. His biggest quest was the search for human universals by exploiting the theme of symbolism myth through his music and words in his compositions. The interests of Bruckner were in showing literature, drama or political philosophy every time he made a composition or

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