Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Persuasive Speech Essay Example for Free

Persuasive Speech Essay I. Introduction â€Å"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.† This quote by Friedrich Nietzsche speaks volumes toward the importance of individuality and self-expression. It shows how conformity can lead to complacency and â€Å"corrupt† our most valuable resource, our youth. School uniforms do just that. The requirement of school uniforms can cause more problems than they solve ranging from elevated stress levels to legal issues. People will always have their opinions on the benefits of school uniforms though it’s important to consider both sides of the argument as well as considering other options such as the option of a dress code. Growing up in Salina, Kansas left me with only a few educational options; of three schools, two are public. Which public school you attend is determined by where your residence is in correlation with pre determined district zones. Having never been subject to uniforms I can’t personally speak for their pros or cons, I can however give insight into the liberty and self-expression I experienced by attending a public school that implemented the use of a dress code instead of a strict uniform policy. II. More harm than good A. As more and more people are beginning to associate with the opinion of school uniforms being a beneficial policy, they neglect to take into account how it individually affects each of the students. B. School uniforms are usually expensive and are often times, expected to be purchased by the student’s family. This can raise stress in the home environment due to economic strain on the household creating a less than satisfactory place to study. C. According to Scholastic Scope, another point to consider is that of vanity. Uniforms can be uncomfortable and less flattering to certain body types than others causing the student to become more stressed and anxious than before. D. In addition many researchers believe that uniforms inhibit self-expression and can cause more problems through students â€Å"acting out† (Lauren, Tarshis, 2011). III. Effect on Behavioral Problems A. It’s hard to pinpoint what makes a student behave inappropriately. What’s even more difficult is finding a solution for what’s causing them to do so. For years, people had thought school uniforms could be the solution to behavioral problems with in our academic system stating that they would make it an equal environment where a student didn’t have to worry about what they wore, and how they would stand out in a positive or negative way. B. Initially, in a study conducted from school years 1995-1997 at the elementary school level researchers found that after implementing school uniforms, behavioral problems within the schools studied actually declined. C. Though this argument seems logical, further research proved this theory to be incorrect. In a 1998 study, researchers D. Brunsma and K. Rockquemore found that when other factors were taken into account school uniforms had little to no effect on behavior within the school. They also found that uniforms had no effect on such things as substance abuse, school attendance, and crime within the academic institutions researched (Tanner, 2010). D. School uniforms do provide an equal setting to learn, that much is true, but the problem lies within. If a student feels suffocated by conformity, the student may act out in an attempt to individualize him or herself and stand out in the crowd. E. Without a proper foundation built on research, it’s impossible to say uniforms are beneficial. IV. Legality A. In addition to a lack of a strong foundation built on research, the requirement of school uniforms brings up a legal debate, one of constitutional rights. B. In the case of Tinker v. Des Moines, (1969) it was ruled unconstitutional to force the requirement of school uniforms on the public school system. This was ruled unconstitutional due to infringing on the first amendment right of freedom of speech. It’s stated that you have the right to express your thoughts and opinions on a controversial topic through the attire you choose to wear. (Tinker, 1969). C. A school uniform policy may also force someone to wear something that goes against their religious beliefs, adding fuel to the controversy. D. It’s important to keep in mind how wide of a variety of students attend public schools. If they are truly available to anyone, then you must make the policies flexible for everyone. V. Other options A. To allow for individuality as well as maintaining an equal learning experience for every student, there’s another option to take into consideration. B. One option is tightening dress codes within the school. Instead of a strict uniform based policy, this would allow students to express themselves and remain individuals while still being able to relate with one another, not alienating any student from the other. C. Some of the inner cities that have adopted the uniform policy are finding many students have difficulty paying for the expensive attire. This would also allow for students to have the option to purchase cheaper clothing, still within the dress code. VI. Other argument A. Though there isn’t a strong foundation for research of the subject, many remain convinced that uniforms are the best way to help our public school system. They believe how a student perceives their academic institution plays a major role in how the student performs. B. A students perception of their academic institution and the environment within them is referred to as school climate and is determined with the use of surveys categorized into subscales. C. The National Association of Secondary School principals conducted a study that with the use of surveys such as this, attempted to determine if school climate was better within schools that required the use of uniforms. D. The study proved uniforms to be beneficial with students reporting climate as more positive in 9 out of 10 subscales (Murray,1997). E. With that being said, a students perception of their schools environment is only a fraction of what makes an equal and efficient learning environment for the entire studen t body. VII. Conclusion As John F. Kennedy once said, â€Å"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.† Whether or not the requirement of school uniforms is a beneficial addition to the public school system will continue to remain a controversial issue though the true controversy lies within the uniform policy itself. Self-expression is an important aspect in shaping a person into who they are. So in order for our public school system and the pupils within it to grow and develop through success, it’s our responsibility to keep uniforms out of our public school system.

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